
ChaCha Search

“這裡是 ChaCha 搜尋網,現在正在幫你接通服務人員...” ChaCha 不同一般的搜尋網站,在於它有服務人員幫助你找到資料,節省你自行過濾資料的時間。

昨天提到跑馬拉松與皮膚癌的密切關係,我便很感興哪些馬拉松長跑者得過皮膚癌以及他們的功績,但是我用 Google 查了半天,一無所獲。於是找上了 ChaCha 的客服人員,請他幫我這個忙:

Status: Looking for a guide ...
Status: Connected to guide: AmandaA
AmandaA: Welcome to ChaCha!
AmandaA: Good evening
You: good evening
You: could you give ma a hand?
AmandaA: Sure!
You: I want to know the names of marathon runners with melanoma
AmandaA: Getting right on it!
You: You kown...marathon runners were suspected to skin cancers...
You: i want to konw who exactly got it, and their history...
AmandaA: Thats what I'm reading!
AmandaA: sad
AmandaA: I will dig a little deeper then:)
AmandaA: I appreciate your patience while I find exactly what you need.
You: That infos you digged for me didn't mention their stories, which I want
AmandaA: Okay, I'm sorry
You: Exactly, I want the info 'who' got skin cancer
AmandaA: The system freezes sometimes, so thanks for your patience
You: I search that by google, but always failed
Transfer: You are being transfered to another guide who can help you search even better!
Looking for guide ... (還有換手的呢! )
Status: Connected to guide: KimberlyJ
KimberlyJ: Welcome to ChaCha!
KimberlyJ: Hello, how are you tonight?
You: i'm fine
KimberlyJ: Good to hear that.
KimberlyJ: Is there something specific about melanoma and marathon runners you are seeking tonight?
You: I mention my needs to that kind guide
You: Do I need to repeat again?
KimberlyJ: Were you working with another guide earlier?
KimberlyJ: I have some sites here that may help. One moment.
You: yes
KimberlyJ: Please let me know if they duplicate.
You: yes this is duplicated
KimberlyJ: Are you looking for additional sites about this same information?
You: I use google for this search but failled
KimberlyJ: Let me see what I can bring up here.
You: Exactly, I want the info 'who' run marathon and unfortunatly got skin cancer
KimberlyJ: Ok. I'll see if I can pull that up.
You: thank you for your patience to me
KimberlyJ: I appreciate your patience while I find exactly what you need.
KimberlyJ: Check this site.
KimberlyJ: Is this what you are seeking?
You: ok
You: I think it's sufficient
You: thank you very much
KimberlyJ: I didn't locate a list of participants.
KimberlyJ: You're welcome. Happy Thanksgiving.
KimberlyJ: Thanks for using ChaCha! I hope you had a great search experience!
KimberlyJ: Please RATE ME. Thanks for using ChaCha. (服務人員有評比的喔)
Status: Session ended.

邊聊的過程,一邊向服務人員仔細描述、縮小查詢範圍,他會幫你把符合需求的資料慢慢丟出來,最後在兩個服務人員的幫忙下,我拿到了 10 筆資料:
  1. Melanoma Risk For White Marathon Runners
    Melanoma Risk For White Marathon Runners
  2. Miles 4 Melanoma - The Ride
    Miles 4 Melanoma - The Ride
  3. Marathon runners could face risk of skin cancer .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel
    Marathon runners could face risk of skin cancer .:. NewKerala.Com, India News Channel
  4. Marathon Training Runs Up Risk of Melanoma - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today
    Marathon Training Runs Up Risk of Melanoma - CME Teaching Brief® - MedPage Today
  5. Miles 4 Melanoma - The Ride
    Miles 4 Melanoma - The Ride
  6. Miles 4 Melanoma - The Times-Leader June 20, 2004
    Miles 4 Melanoma - The Times-Leader June 20, 2004
  7. The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Research Fund
    The Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Research Fund
  8. Miles 4 Melanoma
    Miles 4 Melanoma
  9. Marathon Training Runs Up Risk of Melanoma - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today
    Marathon Training Runs Up Risk of Melanoma
  10. Harrison News Herald - Area News
    Harrison News Herald - Area News
雖然有些重複,但是有兩筆資料,Miles 4 MelanomaThe Jack H. Marston II Melanoma Research Fund ,符合我的需求,正是我沒時間慢慢從 Google 9000 多筆資料過濾出來的。

沒時間查資料嗎? 找 ChaCha ;太多時間嗎? 也找 ChaCha ,當客服人員幫別人查資料。

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