
playing robot 誰來陪小孩玩耍

嚴格說起來,如果不是哆啦 A 夢,大雄真的會是一個人際關係相當失敗的角色。因此,想其當然耳,22 世紀的世界 (哆啦 A 夢誕生於 2112 年) 對於利用機器人來幫助兒童,無論是保護、玩耍、人際方面,早已相當得心應手。然而,回到現在 21 世紀我們的年代,依舊只能稱羨大雄來填滿自己的期待。

我在想,如果 22 世紀真的是機器人陪小孩玩耍的開花時代,現在就應該看到冒出頭來的幼苗了,不是嗎。或許,歐盟資助的 IROMEC (Interactive Robotic Social mediators as Companions,互動式機器社交夥伴) 計畫就是這麼一株值得期待幼苗:

The IROMEC project is investigating how robotic toys can be used to help these children learn how to play and so develop strong social skills. The robots will act as intermediaries, encouraging the disabled children to try out a range of play skills, including solitary play and social play. They will also be able to urge other children or adults to join in the games.



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