Olympus BioScapes
不管是從公司的產品,或者競賽名稱上, Olympus BioScapes 跟 Nikon Small World 兩組顯微攝影競賽若不是因為公司不同,同質性頗高,實在看不出來有分開舉辦的必要。不過,Olympus 的競賽,加上今年的比賽結果,也總共才舉辦了三年,比起 Nikon Small World 30 年的悠久歷史,似乎有不得不模仿之嫌。
但是,在另一方面,相較於 Nikon 的優勝作品只能在網路供瀏覽, Olympus 則提供免費的得獎作品海報索取。
興沖沖地要填好郵遞資訊想索取一張 50x60 公分的大海報回來佈置辦公桌,卻發現表格裡的國家欄位沒有「台灣」,就雞婆到底寫了一封信到 Olympus 的聯絡信箱:
Dear Davidson,
I am very interested in Olympus BioScapes poster from 2006's digital imaging competition. I think it's really a great creative work regarding sciences and photography.
But when I tried to fill the request form for this poster, I am so sad can't find the name of my country, Taiwan (Republic of Chinese, R.O.C.). Maybe it is just a little omission which causes many people in Taiwan can't obtained this masterpiece.
Could you please add "Taiwan" into the field of Country on the request form and send me the poster at the following address? Thank you very much.
Jao-Bao Huang
3F, No. 1, Nan-Ke 8th Road, Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park, Tainan County, Taiwan, R.O.C. 74144
看看 Olympus 會不會圓我一個小小國家裡小小上班族用偉大的科學作品佈置辦公桌的夢。
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